Visiting session of the EMA REMC on the group of specialties "Public health and social services (medicine)"

A session of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council hosted in the SKMA , in which more than 40 participants, members of EMA REMC  and representatives of medical universities in Kazakhstan took part.

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The issues of implementation by medical universities of plans for a phased transition to academic, managerial and financial independence, issues of informatization and digitization of structural units, implementation of the project "Strategic Human Resource Management" were discussed at the session. A broad discussion was brought by the draft RCHD of the Health Care Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a draft framework for qualifications in the health sector. Important decisions were taken on the implementation of the State Medical and Pharmaceutical specialties in 2017, increasing the potential of the teaching staff, introducing new principles for selection and admission to higher and postgraduate education programs.

The meeting of the Council of Rectors of Medical Universities was held in which issues of interaction between science and education, the possibilities of creating a single virtual space for libraries of medical universities, employment issues for graduates of training programs were discussed in the second half of the day. 

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The participants of the session visited the production sites of JSC "Химфарм" with the trade mark Santo. Medical universities and the largest pharmaceutical factory  in Kazakhstan discussed issues of joint training within the framework of professional practice, expressing mutual agreement on the need for close cooperation in the formation of a new generation of specialists in the field of pharmaceutical production, logistics, and quality assurance of medicines.

20.05.2018, 23:12