В Казахстане с 5 апреля стартует кампания прикрепления населения к поликлиникам «Прикрепись к поликлинике – определи свой статус в системе ОСМС!»

On February 23, 2017 in Astana in the Palace of Independence with participation of the Minister for investment and development of Kazakhstan Zhenis Makhmudovich Kassymbek and the Minister of foreign economic relations Elyor Madzhidovich Ganiyev in the framework of the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan, the Kazakh-Uzbek Business Forum with the participation of more than 500 business representatives were held. 

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Within the framework of the forum there has been signed an agreement on joint development of the pharmaceutical industry between Pharmaceutical cluster in South Kazakhstan (one of the founders is SKSPhA) represented by the President Bekaidar Kaldybayevich Nurmashev and the State concern "UZFARMSANOAT" represented by the Chairman of the Board Mirzanozim Mirzabekovich Dusmuratov.

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05.04.2017, 06:06