Tusau кeser

Initiation On October 7, 2020, a solemn event for first-Year students «Tusau кeser-2020» was held in the large Assembly hall.

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The festival was opened with an introductory speech by the founder of the Academy, S.Seitzhanov, who briefly discussed the history of the Academy, the construction of a multidisciplinary clinic, innovative technologies in medicine and education. He noted that to be real doctors, you need to study, study and learn, add to your knowledge, and in the future meet the high level of your chosen profession.

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The following speakers addressed the audience: rector, professor M.Rysbekov, deans of the faculties of pharmacy K.Daurenbekov, medical B.Doltayeva, director of the medical college A.Kushkarova. They wished him success in the attainment of knowledge for the most happy and carefree student years.

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S.Seitzhanov handed over a symbolic "key of knowledge" to those who entered the SKMA and handed them a student ID card.

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In a solemn atmosphere, the first-year students took a solemn oath to join the ranks of students. But student life is not only about studying,but also an opportunity to reveal your talents, demonstrate yourself in sports and art.

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The festive event was continued with a concert program with the participation of Opera singer Madikhan Duiseyev, bayanist Makhmud Urumbayev and drummer Burhan style.

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08.10.2020, 04:49