Training of master students of MMO-02-17 group in «Bukhara state medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino»

With 26.11.18-05.12.18, master's degree students of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Iskakova M. A., Utemisova D.K., Altayeva A. M., Konirbaev K. N., Djoldasova A. A. and Berdiev A.A., passed scientific training in the Bukhara state medical Institute, Uzbekistan.

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According to the internship plan, the master degree’s visited the regional cardiology clinic and the regional infectious diseases hospital in Bukhara, listened to a series of lectures on the topics of their master's theses, received new knowledge and skills, and shared their skills.

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The students were impressed not only by the high level of education in BuhMI, but the warmth and hospitality of the Uzbek people, the beauty and attractions of the city. We learned a lot of new things and added to our knowledge.

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10.12.2018, 07:29