Training general practitioners is a joint responsibility of medical education and the professional community

Primary health care is the main focus of the health policy of Kazakhstan, where 85% of problems solve the primary level.

Training of medical personnel is carried out in accordance with the National Qualifications System; therefore, there is a need to consolidate the strengths of the professional community and medical universities for the development of modern educational programs that meet the requirements of the labor market.

Collaboration and close cooperation between universities and employers will be directed not only at developing training programs, but also at evaluating graduates' learning outcomes, awarding academic degrees, professional qualifications.

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In order to discuss the competencies of GPs and identify issues that currently arise in the field of education, both internship and residency in the further employment of graduates of SKMA, organized a round table: “Training of general practitioners. The joint responsibility of medical education and the professional community with the participation of employers and heads of departments of basic and clinical disciplines”.

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The round table was organized by the dean's office for internship and graduate employment, the departments GP-2, Therapeutic disciplines, GP-1. Moderator - Vice-Rector for educational, methodical and educational work of SKMA Dr. med. Anartaeva M.U.

Attended the round table the first heads of medical institution in Shymkent, medical center «Sunkar» Zholdybay G.Zh., Center of hyperbaric oxygenation Yermakhambetova M.S., City Hospital Pernekhanov S.M., Region’s Cardiocenter deputy chief doctor Alipova G.Sh., LLP «Medical Center for Joint Diseases, Shymkent» Baymukhamedov Ch.T., Hospital №1 Bayseyov M.A., Hospital №8 Ospanova S.K., LLP «Mediker» Pozilov B.D., «Dau Med» deputy chief doctor Sherimbetov E.M. and Turkystan region Ordabasy district Myrzagendiyev B.P., Kazygurt district Polatov A.G., village Arys Alypbayev Y.S.

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Presentations on the issues addressed were made by Candidate Med. Dosybaev B.K. dean of the internship and employment of graduates, who noted the achievements of the SKMA, strategic plans in health care in these specialties and employment issues for interns. Head of the Department of GP-2, Dr.Med. Dosybaeva G.N. introduced the GP program and competencies in general medicine in internship. Head of the Department of Therapeutic Disciplines Ph.D. Asanova G.K. presented the program and competencies in the specialty "Therapy" in internship and residency.

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When discussing the leaders, a proposal was made to strengthen the core disciplines in the field, starting with the start of training, practical training of interns, help in sanitary-educational work and clinical pharmacology. As well as strengthening the "mentoring" to guide interns and residents and to improve practical skills, the creation of summer practice for students.

05.02.2019, 02:46