The Spiritual Revival of Modern Youth

In the framework of the program of the head of state N.A. Nazarbayev “Looking to the Future: Spiritual Revival”, the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry as well as the Library and Information Center organized and held a round table on the theme “The Spiritual Revival of Modern Youth”. The event opened by. Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry A.D. Serikbayeva and head of the service sector for readers of the library and information center Zh.K. Balymova.

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Students of the group B-PhKA-01-14 PhGP Adambek B., Tolebay M. and B-PhKA -02-14 KF Zhumanazar N. After collecting materials on the topic, they provided the participants with a round table in the form of a presentation. And also, a student of the group B-FKA-01-18 PhGP, Bakyt D., read a poem by one of the most famous figures of the past, M. Zhumabayev, «I believe in youth»

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In connection with the relevance of the topic, an active discussion was conducted between students and teachers. At the end of the event, the senior teacher of the department of social sciences F.M. Karataуeva, summing up, she expressed her opinion and expressed her gratitude to the students and organizers of the event.

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19.12.2018, 10:23