On 15th September at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology of SKMA organized the online conference «INFECTION STAR» among 4th year students in the specialty of «General Medicine».

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The purpose of the online conference was: to increase students interests in subject "Infectious Diseases", students consolidated the covered topics, improved cognitive interests and also developed the creative activity of students.

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Students groups of GMKA-09-17, GMKB-09-17, GMKA-10-17, GMKB-10-17, GMKA-11-17 under the guidance of the teaching staff of the Department prepared presentations on the epidemiological situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the specifics and challenges of distance learning and related to anxiety and depression in students.

After the welcome speech the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology, professor, PhD Abuova G. N., have heard 6 reports on the most actual topics of Infectology:

1.Airborne infections (Tansykbay S. A., GMKA -09-17 student).

2. The level of anxiety and depression among of the 4th year students of distance education in the discipline" Infectious Diseases " (Muratbek G., GMKA -10-17 student).

3. Botulism (Sansyzbay S., GMKB -09-17 student).

4. Does students satisfy the distance learning process? (Yerkebayev E., GMKA -10-17 student).

5. Prerequisites for studying the probability of transmission and non-transmission of brucellosis by ticks in the Turkestan region (Abdykhan A., Zholdasov N. GMKB -10-17 students).

6. Epidemiology of brucellosis in Kazakhstan. (Tole T., GMK-11-17 student).

As a result of the online conference participants awarded with diplomas and certificates. The I - st place awarded to a student of GMKA -10-17 Muratbek.G, the II-nd place to a student of GMKA -10-17 Yerkebayev E., the III-rd place awarded to students of GMK-11-17 Zholdasov N. and Abdykhan A. This event proved to be an effective form of learning in a bachelor degree.

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22.09.2020, 06:14