The meeting«round table» that organized by department of History of Kazakhstan and Social disciplines and named as «The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A Nazarbaevamessage»

24 may 2018"History and social disciplines", teacher Abdrahmanova Sh. R. was held an«round table»  on theme "The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A Nazarbaevamessage ". Type of the lesson “round table”  in which took part the faculty of the Department Aidarbekova G.S, Nigmatulina Sh.Sh, Bekkulova A.UtegenovB.D, and a representative of the Dean's office FPSsTPO Jamankulova N. R. and students of educational groups of the College MIKB -101.  

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During the" round table " the messages of the President of Kazakhstan were considered. N.A.Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan-2030", "Kazakhstan - 2050" and annual addresses of 2017 – 2018year.

Candidate of history, associate Professor of Aidarbekova G.S revealed the main directions of The President's Address "Kazakhstan-2050", showed the problems and ways to solve them in the course of implementation.

Department of History of Kazakhstan and social-public subjects, Сh: AbdramanovaSh.R.

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28.05.2018, 03:24