The introduction of the principles of evidence-based medicine in the educational process of SKMA

In order to implement activities on the Roadmap of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Modernization of medical education and science for 2016-2019.", as well as the formation of research competence among residents and the effective use of international information resources on evidence-based medicine by the Department of evidence-based medicine of SKMA from 01.01.2019 to 24.01.2019, a seminar was held: "Methodology for the search of medical information" for residents of the 1st year of study.

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The seminar was built on the theoretical material on evidence-based medicine, namely the design and hierarchy of clinical research, evaluation of medical technologies: reduction of excessive prescription of drugs (polypharmacy) in the clinical practice of the doctor; the basics of searching for evidence on the Internet and a critical analysis of the information received. In addition, questions were raised on the preparation of articles in peer-reviewed journals.

In the practical part, the basics of working with international electronic information resources were given: Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), Springer Link (Springer GmbH); referral databases Pubmed (U.S.National library of Medicine), Cochrane library (The Cochrane Collaboration). Residents have mastered the skills to reduce polypragmasia in clinical practice (Medscape mobile application), polypragmasia assessment scales, critical analysis and medical technology assessment databases.

The seminar was conducted by the head of the department of evidence-based medicine, Cand.M.Sc. K.Ye. Akhmadieva, PhD doctoral student L.A. Sadykova, media specialist D.M. Mamytova.

07.02.2019, 05:06