The era of struggle for the quality of education

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In our country, a lot of attention is paid to the quality of education, and today this quality must meet the highest international standards. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and all higher educational institutions are consistently working on the implementation of this task.

The quality of education and human capital are recognized as key in the further development of mankind and every country on Earth.

The South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, along with the medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is constantly working on the criteria for the most important indicators of the ranking methodology developed by the НААР⁄IAAR, such as: institutional and program (specialized) accreditation as an internationally recognized indicator of the quality of education; the level of development of human resources (both students and faculty); internationalization of higher education, its integration into the international educational space; the level of development of scientific research; employment and the demand for graduates in the labor market.

The National Rating of the Demand for Higher Education Institutions RK-2021, annually conducted by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating, is an effective ranking and assessment tool that contributes to improving the competitiveness of educational services and scientific research focused on promoting the quality of Kazakhstani higher education.

We congratulate the staff of the Academy on entering the General rating of TOP-20 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and wish you success in ensuring the quality of higher medical education!

20.05.2021, 04:48