The burden of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the world and the work of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy’s infectious disease resident doctors

The 6 resident doctors of the second year and 16 resident doctors of the first year of study take knowledge and improve their skills at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology . All of them without exception, take an active part in the activities of the Department and the City Infectious diseases hospital. The best of them have hired as part-time duty personnel. The questions of coronavirus infection were not left without attention and participation of the resident doctors.07.02.2020 the resident doctors of the first yearheld a on the new strain of coronavirus infection COVID-19 and during thisconferencealso have made reports of SARS and MERS infections.18.02.2020 the resident doctors of the second year read lectures on coronavirus infection COVID-19 in SKSU, emergency medical substations, city clinics and hostels of SKMA.

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At the epidemiological season peak of acute respiratory infections the resident doctors lead patients in wards, receive flow of patients in the emergency rooms and provide valuable recommendations for hospitalized adults and children. The resident doctors are active subscribers of the portals ProMed, Open WHO,, the own Department’s site.

The young infectious disease specialists developed infectious booklets for the prevention of COVID-19.

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On 4th and 5th February 2020 the resident doctors with their mentors held seminars for foreign students on the topic “2019 Novel Coronavirus” with demonstration of video in students hostels № 1 and №2 of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. 

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On 13.02.2020 was held an event of prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in SKMA. 

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21.03.2020, 00:23