Тhe best report

In KazNMU named after  S.D.Asfendiyarov from 19 to 20.04.18. the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Akanov's readings: Actual issues of medicine and public health "and the V-th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Medicine: a modern view of youth " was held, where the resident of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology Auezhkhanov S.P., resident pediatricians Akhynbekova A.S., Esmemarat N.M., intern doctors  Zhaksylykova Zh.B. and Nurlanova A.B. performed with oral presentations on actual topics of infectious diseases.

Scientific advisers: Abuova G.N., Berdalieva F.A., Zhumagulova K.Zh.

For a highly informative report, the resident - Auezkhanov Samat was awarded of 

2 place of  honor, the rest of the speakers were awarded with certificates.

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24.04.2018, 20:54