Тәуелсіздік - тұғырым!

On December 13, 2019 year, a solemn event was held dedicated to the 28th anniversary of the declaration of Independence of Kazakhstan.

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Vice-rector for educational-methodical work Anartaeva M.U. beginning in the opening speech with the words "The wealth of the country in stability, peace and harmony" noted important milestones in the history of statehood.

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In addition, M.U. Anartaeva congratulated the staff of the academy on the holiday and handed Diplomas, medals of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan"Densaulyk saktau isinin uzdigi", "Enbek ardageri", letters of thanks of the rector of UKMA.

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At the meeting, the lecturer of the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines B. Otegenov also made a report.

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The festive event ended with a concert program.

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13.12.2019, 10:22