Students from Ufa in Kaskasu

On 22nd May, 4th course students of pharmaceutical faculty from Bashkir State medical university, who were study in SKMA in the framework of academic mobility with teachers of the department of Pharmacognosy visited study-professional base on growing, collecting and reproducing medicinal plants in Tolebi region, village Kaskasu, country yard Keregetas.

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5th course students on specialty «Pharmacy» who passed the practical training from 18 to 25 together with the teachers of the pharmacognosy department, conducted an orientation tour of the surrounding area. 

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Guests were introduced to the medicinal plants of the local flora and students jointly collected, dried, herbarious also assembled the collected medicinal plants.

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Students from Ufa liked our summer base very much,  they were very impressed by what they saw and showed their readiness to offer the lidership of their university administration the next academic year to include the South Kazakhstan base in the list of BSMU practices bases. 

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We hope that in future, alone with the students of our academy, in the Kaskasu base will be conduct practice also students from our cooperation universities from far and near abroad. 

25.05.2018, 03:50