Seminar-training "Features of the methodology of language teaching as a second language"

On 23th May, 2017 a regional seminar-training "Features of the methodology of language teaching as a second language" was organized by teachers of the department of the Kazakh, Russian and Latin of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical  Academy and the employees  of "Language learning center" under akimat of  Shymkent. 

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Specialists from Turkestan, Tulkubas, Tole bi, Sayram, Maktaral, Otyrar, Ordabasy, Suzak, Saryagash, Kentau, Arys, Kazygurt district, as well as the center of the JSC  NCPD SKR «Orleu» took part in the seminar. There were discussed topical problems of teaching the state language.  At the seminar - training following made reports: the teacher of Kazakh language of  “Language learning center” M.A. Bolat on the topic "Effective methods of  learning in the system of  KAZTEST",  head of the department "Management and quality of education" of  JSC  NCPD «Orleu», PhD in Philology М.А.  Medetbekova on the topic "The formation of language skills that contribute to raising the national spirit - the future of descendants",  head of course of the Kazakh and Latin languages of SKSPhA E.K. Salim on the topic "Problems of teaching language as a second language in higher education", senior lecturer of the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages A.N. Kasymbekova on the topic "Problems of multilingualism in the process of teaching languages", Director and leading specialist of the Center for Personality Development, coach trainer G.B. Bitanova on the topic "Psychology of success". Speakers shared their experiences, taught skill lessons. 

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In conclusion, participants of the event were awarded letters of appreciation, certificates.

25.05.2017, 02:08