Seminar «Erasmus+ Projects in SKMA»

On November 10, 2021, an information seminar «Erasmus+ Projects at SKMA» was held in the small hall, which was attended by vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments, faculty of SKMA.
The purpose of the seminar is to disseminate information about projects, results, impact, both at the individual and institutional level, as well as the increasing involvement of the SKMA faculty in the application procedure, the search for partners.
The first Vice-rector of the SKMA, M.M.Yesirkepov, made a welcoming speech, emphasizing the relevance and importance of Erasmus + programs that allow improving educational programs and increasing the potential of university teachers.

The Head of the Strategic Development and International Cooperation Department, A.A.Akhmetova, made a report on Erasmus+ projects, familiarized with completed and ongoing projects, highlighted issues of international credit mobility (ICM), increasing the capacity of the PPP (Capacity building), dissemination of information about projects, project recognition (logo, handouts). SKMA implements the World Bank project «Innovative development of pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Tajikistan» 2020-2021, SKMA is a consultant on OP «Pharmacy» for TSMU. Abuali ibni Sino, seminars, trainings, visits to TSMU and SKMA were held.

The head of the Department of «Emergency Medical Care and Nursing», academic coordinator A.A.Seidakhmetova made a report on the project: «Improvement of nursing at the master's and doctoral level in the higher education system of Kazakhstan – Acceled», which is aimed at reforming nursing science and research in the higher education system of Kazakhstan. The report highlighted the objectives of the project, which were formed on the basis of problems related to higher nursing education and the specific needs of the target groups of the project, the main target groups, project partners, structure, work packages, project deadlines, implemented activities, results achieved during implementation. In October 2021, access to the CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) database was provided as part of this project.

Team members shared their experience of participating in Erasmus+ projects and using the results in their activities. Assistant of the department, researcher U.A.Khojakulova told about the training course «The essence and development of the theory of nursing care», organized by Abo Akademi University (Finland) and Astana Medical University, the purpose of which was to develop modern theories of nursing care and introduce them into clinical practice. The participants studied a number of theories and models used in nursing science, education and clinical practice, learned how to teach theories and how to evaluate nursing theories used in scientific research. The experience and knowledge gained within the framework of the project are useful for everyone's development. Assistant of the department, researcher of Auezkhankyzy Dana told about the training on a Comprehensive systematic review. The program was provided by JBI, an international research organization based at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences of the University of Adelaide, South Australia. The training provided participants with an opportunity to improve their skills in developing protocols for qualitative and quantitative systematic reviews. Participants received annual access to the JBI SUMARI platform (Unified Information Assessment and Review Management System), a web application designed to help researchers and practitioners in areas such as healthcare, social sciences and humanities. Upon completion of the training, all participants received certificates of participation.

Professor of the Department of Pharmacology A.G.Ibragimova made a presentation on the project «Professionalization of bachelor's and Master's degrees in the field of strategic management and risk management in healthcare within the framework of open and distance learning in Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan» Erasmus+ LMQS. The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of health safety and quality management of health services, as well as the implementation of policies and strategic principles in Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan by mobilizing personnel and training them in the practical application of necessary actions by offering higher education programs (academic programs) and vocational training programs capable of transferring the skills needed by medical structures / companies. Issues such as the relevance of the project, goals, participants, implementation of activities, impact and sustainability, partnership and cooperation were highlighted.

It was noted that participation in international projects provides an opportunity for teaching staff, students, undergraduates to increase their potential, acquire teamwork skills, language, analytical skills, skills in the development of educational programs.
Thanks to master classes, seminars and internships within the framework of the project, undergraduates and doctoral students, teachers will be able to expand their knowledge and scientific knowledge of their activities.

12.11.2021, 15:54