Round table «requirements for assessment of professional training of graduates»

On January 26, 2024, at JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" held round table on the topic: «Requirements for assessing the professional training of graduates».
The purpose of this event is to improve the quality of the educational programs «Pharmacy» and «Technology of Pharmaceutical Production» and solve problems related to the employment of graduates in order to improve the quality of training of pharmaceutical personnel in the region.
The round table moderated by Vice-Rector for EMaEW, MD. Anartayeva M.U. The following reports heard:
1. «Improving the quality of training of pharmaceutical personnel» - Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Acting Associate Professor, PhD Umurzakhova Galiya.
2. «Interaction between the academy (JSC SKMA) and employers in matters of training and employment of graduates» - Kemelbekov Kanatzhan, dean of internship and graduate employment department.
3. «Fundamentals of the development of the medical and pharmaceutical cluster» - member of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the city of Shymkent, Chairman of the Health Council, President of the Association of Legal Entities Association «South Kazakhstan Pharmaceutical Cluster» Professor Nurmashev Bekaidar.

The round table organized by the dean's office of the Faculty of Pharmacy of JSC «SKMA». More than 50 people took part in the round table, including representatives of practical pharmacy, namely: heads of the Department of the Committee for Medical and Pharmaceutical Control of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Shymkent, Turkestan region (online), representatives of the Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Organizations of Turkestan region «Damu», LLP «Bastau Pharm», founders of LLP «Zerde», LLP «TIN», LLP «Sadykhan» in Shymkent, LLP «Zada-Pharm» (online), Medservice Plus, «Almasat» LLP, Almaty (online), «Phyto-Apipharm» LLP (online), «Ecopharm International», Center for Mental Health, «Zerde Pharm», «Nur Pharm» LLP and management of JSC «SKMA», as well as the teaching staff of the EP «Pharmacy» and the EP «Technology of pharmaceutical production» (offline), the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan Republican Center for Forensic Science (online).
During the discussion of issues on the topic of the round table: «Requirements for assessing the professional training of graduates», the following conclusions and recommendations were made:
1. Continue work on updating pharmaceutical education programs at all levels of training in accordance with the recommendations of employers.
2. Continue joint foresight studies of professions, positions, knowledge, and skills of specialists in the field of pharmacy at the regional level.
3. Take joint participation in the development of the draft professional standard «Technology of Pharmaceutical Production».
4. Introduce the principle of dual learning into the educational process with the involvement of practical workers as lecturers and practice managers, on-site practical training at pharmaceutical bases.
5. Ensure close interaction with employers in the field of employment promotion and constant monitoring employment of graduates.
6. Members of the cluster took part in the development of the created medical and pharmaceutical cluster “Shymkent”, as a result of which the created cluster will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of domestic products of the country’s medical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies by expanding cooperative interaction and, as a result, in the near future time, cluster development in our country will contribute to the development of its economy.
7. Improve the Catalog of elective disciplines, taking into account suggestions from employers.employment of graduates.
6. Members of the cluster took part in the development of the created medical and pharmaceutical cluster “Shymkent”, as a result of which the created cluster will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of domestic products of the country’s medical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies by expanding cooperative interaction and, as a result, in the near future time, cluster development in our country will contribute to the development of its economy.
7. Improve the Catalog of elective disciplines, taking into account suggestions from employers.

02.02.2024, 15:41