Regional Cluster Meeting

Representatives of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy took part in the work of the regional cluster meeting "Impact of Erasmus + projects in the development of higher education in Central Asia". The on-line event, coordinated by the NEO Uzbekistan, took place on November 19-20, 2020 on the ZOOM platform.

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Sophie Beernaerts, Head of Department Erasmus+, Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Chairman Ralf Rahders, Head of Unit, Erasmus+: Higher Education – International Capacity Building (CBHE),EACEA

and also Ministers of Education and sciences of the Republics of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan.

Anila Troshani - Head of Sector, Erasmus+: Higher Education – International Capacity Building (CBHE), EACEA made a presentation “The Impact of Higher Education Development Projects in Central Asia”.

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Representatives of SKMA took part in the seminars “CBHE Projects Influencing Higher Education Systems and Promotion of Reforms at the National and / or Regional Level in Central Asia”, “CBHE Projects and ICM International Credit Mobility in Support of Modernization, Curriculum Reform and the Bologna Process in the universities of Central Asia ”.

The second day of the meeting was devoted to discussing problems and coping strategies in project management and their implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The cluster meeting brought together about 400 participants from the countries of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

Chairman Anne Spangemacher, Project officer for Central Asia, Erasmus+: Higher Education – International Capacity Building (CBHE), EACEA organized brainstorms on the future program, challenges and coping strategies in project management and implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic were discussed.

23.11.2020, 02:39