Prevention events 2019 - Novel Сoronavirus in student’s hostels № 1, 2 of the South- Kazakhstan medical academy

At 4th and 5th February 2020 faculty members of Infectious Diseases and Dermatology Department held a seminar for students on the theme «2019 Novel Coronavirus » in student’s hostels number 1 and number 2 South Kazakhstan Medical academy with a demonstration video. Students familiarized with the disease which induced by the new kind of coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and the relevance of problems in 2019-nCoV, epidemiological situation in the world and the country , mechanisms of transmission, the main clinical manifestations of the disease, diagnostic algorithm and modern methods of treatment. Details have been highlighted preventive measures and infection control to fight against the disease , as well as the algorithm of actions of medical worker during medical care for suspected coronavirus ( 2019-nCoV) infection , demonstrated hygiene of hand and respiratory system . For educational purposes , training videos have shown . Students handed out refresher and booklets which developed by the staff of the department.

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11.02.2020, 01:18