President signed law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Оn science and technology Policy»

This document is aimed at the development of Science and the implementation of technological policy on the implementation of the results of scientific achievements to ensure the country's competitiveness, as well as at solving strategic, professional and social problems of scientific activity.

✔️ First, in order to correlate the scientific, technological and economic policy of the state, a new mechanism for assessing the feasibility and technological readiness (TRL) proposed for the implementation of scientific research from the idea to serial production has been introduced. TRL allows you to cover all stages of the research and production cycle and commercialization with support.
Thus, Kazakhstan's scientific and technological policy will be aimed at reducing the innovation gap in relation to World technological leaders.

✔️ Secondly, the status of the Science Foundation as a national agency for Technology Commercialization has been expanded. It will become a single window for programs in the field of Science and technology, support innovative infrastructure, and attract venture financing.

✔️ Thirdly, with the creation of the National Center for scientific and technical information, a new mechanism for collecting, processing and analyzing scientific and technical information was introduced in order to monitor the market for scientific achievements, innovations and new technologies.
Monitoring of scientific and technical information makes it possible to provide information and analytical support of the scientific process, which, of course, will contribute to the stability of the development of Science and innovation, as well as increase the efficiency of Science Management in the country, turning the scientific sphere into a full-fledged segment of the digital economy.

✔️ Fourth, in order to encourage scientists, the right to purchase preferential housing for young scientists will be introduced. Also, within the framework of the law, the tax code proposes state incentive measures to provide tax incentives and tax deductions for expenses for Research, scientific, technical and development work to subjects of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities. Tax deductions in the amount of 50% are provided.

✔️ Fifth, law improves the structure of Science Management. The draft law proposes to give local executive bodies competencies for the implementation of the state policy in the field of science, coordination of work on conducting research work in the form of grant funding.

The new status of the National Academy of Sciences in the form of a higher scientific organization was also determined, indicating the competencies, sources of funding and powers of the board of Trustees, the general meeting of academicians, the presidium and the management board.
In addition, the president signed the law "On Public Procurement", simplified the procedure for procurement of scientific organizations. For example, procurement procedures of research institutes and organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education for the implementation of scientific research and scientific work are now carried out in agreement with the authorized body in the field of public procurement in accordance with the rules approved by the Ministry of Science and higher education.

11.07.2024, 10:44