Online meeting within the framework of electronic benchmarking


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April 9, 2021 Erasmus+ AccelEd program partners «Accelerating Master and PhD level nursing education development in the higher education system in Kazakhstan» (AccelEd)» from JAMK University (Finland), Karaganda Medical University, South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Shymkent regional clinical hospital held an online meeting on the Zoom platform.

Within the framework of the meeting, the head of the Department of «Emergency Medical Care and Nursing» of the SKMA A.A. Seidakhmetova presented the organizational structure and flowchart of the cooperation process between the Academy and practical health care.

Members of the JAMK University of applied sciences and Karaganda medical university teams conducted interviews on current practices of cooperation in Nursing within the framework of electronic benchmarking. The discussion was attended by: A.A. Seidakhmetova, U.A. Khojakulova, K.E. Zhapabaeva.

The participants of the online meeting discussed interesting questions about the possibilities of conducting research by nursing specialists of different levels of education, as well as about the possibilities of writing theses of students of the academic bachelor's degree, theses of undergraduates. The current work on the development of nursing at the university and in the institutions of practical health care was discussed.

Also during the meeting, the current problems of mentoring students by nurses and ways to improve their work were identified. K.E. Zhapabayeva presented her vision for the development and strengthening of cooperation for the training of nurses.

The discussion was held on the following topics and issues:

Characteristics of a fruitful partnership between the academy and clinical bases. Current partnership and cooperation, description of possible common goals and plans. Development of a strategy in cooperation.

Planning and the process of creating joint development plans / strategic plans. Ways to build a successful partnership.

The process of building and forming cooperation. Created designs and models. Capacity building.

Ongoing joint capacity-building activities. Partnership management.

Managing partner relationships. Applied methods and techniques.Methods and tools used in collaboration.

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14.04.2021, 03:57