Объявление! Цикл мастер классов

On the eve of the International Day on March 8, mayor of Shymkent Murat Aitenov congratulated the womankind of the metropolis with the spring holiday.

Participants of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers of the rear, mother-heroine, upbringing ten and more children, as well as representatives of state bodies, education, culture, science, sports, business community-were awarded with gifts and flowers.

Among them editor of the scientific journal of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, member of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan Raikhan Shaimerdenova was awarded, who participates in the study of student youth of the University in the spirit of Kazakh patriotism, the contribution to the prosperity of the economy of the third metropolis.

"I express my gratitude to you for your significant contribution to the development of the country, including the promotion of our city," the mayor said in his congratulatory letter.

We wish Raikhan Shaimerdenova creativness, success, strength of spirit and inexhaustible energy.

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10.03.2021, 02:50