Master class «Development of guidelines and assessment criteria for Masters & PhD theses»

From May 16 to May 18, the team of JSC «SKMA» participated in the Master class «Development of guidelines and assessment criteria for Masters & PhD theses», which took place at Asfendiyarov KazNMU, Almaty. The master class is part of the AccelEd project («Accelerating Master and PhD level nursing education development in the higher education system in Kazakhstan»), which is co-financed by the EU through Erasmus+ and implements innovative projects to increase the potential and reform higher education.
The master class was organized for the teaching staff of medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the master class is to develop guidelines for the assessment procedure of master's and PhD theses.
During the master class, the participants developed criteria for evaluating master's and PhD theses, and then each participant individually tested the master's and PhD theses.
The master class was organized jointly by JAMK (JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland), UMC (Utrecht University, the Netherlands) and Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty.
Moderators of the Master class:
Johanna Heikkilä - Senior Advisor, PhD (Nursing), JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
Thora Hafsteinsdottir is a Doctor, Senior Researcher in the Department of Nursing, UMC Utrecht / Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

20.05.2022, 15:50