JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" announces a competition for filling vacancies heads of departments


JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy"

announces a competition for filling vacancies

heads of departments:

1) History of Kazakhstan and socially – oriented courses;

2) Social - humanitarian courses;

3) Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages;

4) Foreign languages;

5) Medbiophysics and information technology;

6) Biology and biochemistry;

7) Microbiology;

8) Social health insurance and public health;

9) Technology of pharmaceutical production;

10) Pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology;

11) Organization and management of pharmaceutical business;

12) Technology of medicines;

13) Pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry;

14) Pharmacognosy;

15) Chemical courses;

16) Normal anatomy;

17) Pathological anatomy and histology;

18) Normal and pathological physiology;

19) Physical education;

20) Pediatrics and pediatric surgery;

21) Surgical courses;

22) Therapeutic courses;

23) Propaedeutics of internal diseases;

24) Infectious diseases and dermatovenereology;

25) Neurology, psychiatry and psychology;

26) General practitioner - 1;

27) General practitioner - 2

28) Obstetrics and gynecology;

29) Dental disciplines,

30) Hygiene and epidemiology;

31) Emergency medical care and nursing.


The competition is open to people which meet the requirements of the Standard Qualification Characteristics of the positions of pedagogical workers approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 13.07.2009, No. 338.

Applications for the competition are submitted no later than 30 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement.

Documents for the competition should be sent to the following address: 160019, Shymkent city, Al-Farabi sq., 1.Cab. No.32

The competitive commission.Tel.; 8(7252)40-82-22 (int.267), mob.: 8 701 505 83 55

E-mail: janar_@mail.ru


Note: The announcement of the competition is published in the Legal newspaper on April 20, 2018. №30

19.04.2018, 23:03