International Student Educational and Scientific Conference

On March 4, 2021, an international student educational and scientific online conference was held at the Department of Drug Technology of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The speech was made by

- Sagindykova Bayan Akhmetovna, Head of the Department of Drug Technology at SKMA JSC, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor;

- Cholponbaev Kosmosbek Sarievich, Head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy and Technology of Medicines named after Professor E.S. Matyev, KSMA, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor;

- Markevich Marina Petrovna, Head of the Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology with a course in Microbiology, USU, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The number of conference participants was 78. The students from the following universities made reports:

South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (Kazakhstan)

 Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after K. Akhunbaev (Kyrgyzstan)

 Ulyanovsk State University (Russia).

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09.03.2021, 09:12