International scientific and practical conference of family doctors of Kazakhstan "Topical issues of general medical practice" April 28-29, 2023

On April 28-29, 2023, in Shymkent, in honor of the 5th anniversary of the opening of the department "General Practitioner-2", together with the Association of Family Doctors of Kazakhstan (hereinafter ASWK) of Almaty and JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy", an International scientific and practical conference of family doctors of Kazakhstan "Topical issues of general medicine" was held in a hybrid format medical practice". The moderators of the conference are the President of ASVK, a member of the World Council of Wonca, GOLD Emeriti, MD, Professor Nugmanova Damilya and the head of the department "GP-2", MD, Professor Dossybaeva Gulzhan.
The conference was attended by more than 250 participants – speakers of international level, leading university professors, scientists and specialists of practical healthcare in Kazakhstan (Almaty, Atyrau, Karaganda, Taraz, Zhambyl region, Kyzylorda, Shymkent, Turkestan region), near and far abroad, the teaching staff of the department "Doctor General Practice-2" (hereinafter GP-2) and interns of the general medical practice of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.
The purpose of the event: to highlight the achievements and problems of family medicine in the region and the world, in particular, the issues of attracting and securing personnel in PHC. As part of the conference, the experience and results of scientific research conducted under the leadership of the world's leading scientists of universities and scientific organizations were highlighted.
Within the framework of the conference, a plenary session was held, work on thematic sections, reading reports of the world's leading scientists of universities and scientific organizations, as well as interns of the Department of GP-2 of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. 
Conference directions:
1. Attractiveness and prospects of the specialty of a general practitioner (GP).
2. Professional training of GPS/family doctors.
3. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common diseases in primary health care.

The conference began with the greeting of the participants – Rector of JSC "SKMA", MD, Professor M.Rysbekov, President of ASVK, MD, Professor D.Nugmanova, Associate Professor of the Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, MD Narmukhamedova N., Head of the Department of " GP -2" SKMA MD, Professor Dossybaeva G. 
The main topic of Nugmanova D. was "How to attract students to the specialty of GP and how to retain primary care doctors?" Head of the Department of GP-2 Dossybaeva G. told about the history of the opening of the department. At the plenary session of the conference there were such reports as "Why did I choose the specialty of a family doctor? Advantages of working as a GP, how I became a family doctor and what conditions create, improving the working conditions of a GP", to which D.Nugmanova presented proposals of the Association of Family Doctors of Kazakhstan to increase the attractiveness of the specialty of a GP/family doctor. In his report "Why did I choose the specialty of a family doctor? Advantages of working as a general practitioner" Shinkarenko A. family doctor, certified member of the American College of Family Medicine ABFM, member of the ASWK, Director of the International Medical Center IMC, Almaty, emphasized the advantages of working as a general practitioner. Hegai E. family doctor, lecturer, Master's student of Helth Policy, Planning, and Financing at Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary, in her report "Participation of Kazakhstanis in the European movement of Young General Practitioners/family doctors of the World Association of Family Doctors Wonca Vasco Da Gama Movement (European Young Family Doctors Movement (EYFDM)" told about opportunities to work as a general practitioner in the world. Nurmanova M. director of the ASVK branch of Atyrau in her report stressed that improving the working conditions of the GP is one of the ways to consolidate personnel in rural areas.
In the clinical section, topical problems of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, vaccination were touched upon. 
In section No. 2, 3-training in general medical practice/family medicine, scientists, representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan and teachers of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, practitioners read reports: MD, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Management of the Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers, Tashkent Narmukhamedova Nazira – "Family medicine in the Republic of Uzbekistan"; Head of the Department of Advanced Training and Retraining of Family Medicine doctors, Organization and Management of Health Care of the Andijan State Medical Institute, Ph.D., Associate Professor Nazarova Gulchehra – "Management of comorbid conditions in primary health care institutions in patients who have suffered a coronavirus infection"; Head of the Department of General Practice/Family Medicine of the Samarkand State Medical University, Ph.D., Associate Professor Husinova Shoira – "Implementation of PEN protocols in PHC institutions"; ass. of the Department of Family Medicine with the course of occupational diseases of the Center for the Development of professional Qualifications of medical workers Zahidova Mamura – "Priority tasks of healthcare in the management of pregnant women in primary health care"; along with colleagues from Uzbekistan, there were reports of our teachers of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and doctors of practical healthcare.
The conference was held at the highest level, at the end of the conference participants received certificates from ASVK and UCMA. Among the speakers were interns-VP of the department "GP-2": Ravshanov B., Akzhol D., Bektan B., Kalen S., Li Ts., who received certificates.
All speakers were presented with letters of thanks on behalf of Rector M.Rysbekov.
On the second day of the conference, on April 29, there was a solemn joyful event for all participants of the forum – the rector of SKMA M.Rysbekov congratulated the President of the Founder of the Association of Family Doctors of Kazakhstan, leader, scientist, professional, patriot of his profession, dear Nugmanova Damila on her anniversary!
On the same day, guests from Uzbekistan Husinova Sh. and Nazarova G. on academic mobility for interns of the 7th year of the department of GP-2 demonstrated a master class: "Counseling on healthy lifestyle in primary health care", "Providing medical care to the population in primary health care institutions".

Colleagues from ASWK and Uzbekistan watched a tour of the Academy museum with great interest and visited the Center for Practical Skills.
This conference was held thanks to the support of the Association of Family Doctors of Kazakhstan President Professor Nugmanova D. and allowed to highlight the problems and achievements of family medicine in the region and the world, to raise the interest of young doctors in the specialty of general practitioner.
SKMA has become a kind of platform for communication and exchange of experience with colleagues from different regions and countries to improve the clinical knowledge of general practitioners.
Taking this opportunity, we sincerely congratulate the staff of the department "GP-2" of JSC "SKMA" on the 5th anniversary of its foundation! Thank everyone who took the Hippocratic oath and who wears a white coat with honor for their patience, endurance and trust! Thanks to the fortitude of the spirit, the department has today a powerful core of specialists who annually undergo an increase in specialization. There is a huge merit in this for everyone, all team members!
We would like to wish great success to the teachers in the formation of interns-General practitioners. Health, good luck and prosperity to all!!!  

11.05.2023, 12:36