On May 19-20, 2022, Astana Medical University hosted the International Conference "Nursing Education, Research and Practice in Kazakhstan: Investing in the Future of Nursing", as part of the Erasmus + Project "Improving Nursing at the Master's and PhD Doctorate Levels in the Higher Education System" Kazakhstan - AccelEd. The project contributes to the development of nursing science and nursing research, strengthening nursing education at the master's and doctoral levels.
Welcoming remarks were made by: Nadyrov K.T., Chairman of the Board, Rector of NJSC “Astana Medical University; Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe; Margrieta Langins, Nursing and Midwifery Policy Adviser, WHO Regional Office for Europe; Pamela Cipriano, President of the International Council of Nurses; Narbekova B.M., Deputy Director of the Department of Higher Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science, partner of the AccelED project; Jurate Maciuskienė, Project Coordinator, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Lithuanian University of Medical Sciences, Lithuania; Tora Hafsteinsdottir, Senior Investigator, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands; Lisbet Fagerström, Abo Akademi University, Finland.
The conference was attended by representatives of all partners of the AccelEd project, Lithuanian University of Medical Sciences, JAMK University of Applied Sciences and Abo Akademi University from Finland, Utrecht University Medical Center from the Netherlands, representatives of Kazakh partner universities, colleges and medical organizations.
Seidakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna, Head of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Nursing, took part in the conference as a moderator of the section "Modern approaches to ensuring the quality of nursing care" and an expert of the round table.
The issues of the state of nursing in the world, the expansion of nursing practice and research in nursing, current topics of education and quality assurance of nursing care, the state of human resources and infrastructure of nursing science in the Republic of Kazakhstan, international experience in the development of nursing science, modern challenges and development prospects were discussed. nursing science in Kazakhstan.
The reports were made by the assistant of the department of "Emergency Medical Care and Nursing" Ospanbek A., undergraduates of the educational program "Nursing" Sultanbayeva N.Zh., Kasimova K.K., Bizhanova A.D.
The two-day event ended with the development of practical recommendations and the adoption of a resolution.

24.05.2022, 11:15