Interfaculty scientific and practical Olympiad on infectious diseases

On November 19, 2024, the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology held the Interfaculty Scientific and Practical Olympiad on Infectious Diseases among 4th-year students majoring in General Medicine and Pediatrics. The Olympiad was attended by groups B-PKA-01, B-PKA-01, B-PKA-02, B-ZhMKA 03-21, B-ZhMKB 03-21, B-ZhMKA 04-21, B-ZhMKB 04-21, which are scheduled to be at the department. The Interfaculty Scientific and Practical Olympiad was held in several stages: presentation of the emblem and team name (orally and via video); solving situational problems; questions for team captains in a game form; questions from jury members; demonstration of practical skills, creative competition (each team presented their performances).

25.11.2024, 11:31