Innovative teaching methods in the preparation of GP interns

On February 7, 2019, the Department of General Practitioner-1 of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC held an interdepartmental methodical conference on the topic Innovative teaching methods in the preparation of GP interns.

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The purpose of the conference is the exchange of pedagogical experience and the provision of methodological assistance to young teachers in organizing and conducting practical internships on the specialty General Medical Practice.

Presentations on actual topics on innovative forms, methods and means of education, encouraging interns to actively think and practice in the process of mastering educational material, were made by leading lecturers and assistants of the department.

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The conference discussed the specifics of using the standardized patient, TBL, PBL, role-playing and communication skills on practical classes of GP interns, as well as the method of research projects as a form of interns’ independent work, the possibility of QR code using to search for information.

14.02.2019, 00:10