In honor of a state award’s laureate of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of medical sciences, Professor Agabek Karabekuly Karabekov

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In honor of Professor Agabek Karabekuly Karabekov among the teachers of departments a sports festival competition was held.

On behalf of Technology of pharmaceutical production Department following teaching staff has participated:

1)  G.D.Kayrambekov.

2)  K.E.Arystambaev.

3)  A.A.Umarov.

4)  I.K Kozhakulov.

5)  A.B.Zhumabekova.

6)  R.S.Akimbaeva.

They took premier place in volleyball and mini-football. This is a big achievement for our newly formed department.

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18.10.2016, 06:23