The New year's ball saw off the outgoing 2019 staff, teaching staff and guests of the South Kazakhstan medical Academy. There was a festive atmosphere in the hall of celebrations.

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The founder, sole founder S. S. Seitzhanov made a welcoming speech, thanking those present for their excellent work, professionality, and desire to work for the prosperity of the Academy, which originates from the Shymkent Branch of the ASMI and 2019 was marked by the 40th anniversary of its formation. From the bottom of heart he wished everyone success in the educational space, health and happiness to every family, well-being to relatives and friends.

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Rector M.M. Rysbekov made a congratulatory speech, noting the achievements of the team in 2019, wishing everyone success and all the best.

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The cultural program consisted of performances by artists of the conversational genre, dance, vocal groups like "Korkem", the art group "Masquerade", entertainment games with showman Bauyrzhan Kultaev, etc.A Santa Claus and snow Maiden came to the Christmas tree and, and the NEW YEAR 2020!!! The heroes of the holiday, of course, were the employees of the Academy, for whom on this day songs were played and solemn toasts were pronounced, and who amicably and cheerfully with dances and songs spent the old year.

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Happy new year, friends! and may it bring joy and happiness to every home!

Happy new year 2020! let it be joyful and gracious!

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25.12.2019, 21:34