As part of the cooperation between SKMA and Eco-Pharm LLP, dual training was conducted for 3rd year students of the educational program “Pharmacy” of group B-PO-03-21 in the subject “Pharmacognosy-2”.

Sultanbekova Saule Toregeldyvna, head of the physicochemical laboratory of the testing center of BioEthics LLP of the pharmaceutical company Eco-Pharm, shared information on quality control of medicinal plant raw materials and explained the mechanism of operation of the devices.
During dual education, students develop knowledge about the standardization system and become familiar with regulatory documents regulating the quality of medicinal plants.

During the dual training, students were reviewed the processes of conducting various types of analysis of medicinal plant raw materials, in particular commodity analysis, pharmacognostic, and phytochemical analysis.
The commercial type of analysis of medicinal plant raw materials is the most complete type of analysis of raw materials, allowing you to assess the quality and originality of the product in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation.
During the training, the amount of biologically active substances in the raw materials of medicinal plants, the degree of humidity, total ash content, and the amount of ash insoluble in 10% HCl were taken into account.

The students got acquainted with the high-tech organization of the analytical offices of the Eco-Pharm company. The operating principle of the Agilent 1260 Infinity high performance liquid chromatograph is explained.

Using an optical emission spectrometer, students learned to determine macro- and microelements in medicinal plant materials.

In addition, students were particularly interested in Ginsberg apparatus and gas chromatographs for assessing the quality of medical products. And the process of working on the SF-2000 spectrophotometer was examined.

The students given the opportunity to carry out standardization and obtain the essential oil of fragrant basil herb using the Soxhlet apparatus.
In addition to assessing the quality of medicinal plant raw materials, Eco-Pharm LLP is engaged in the production and distribution of medical products, such as disposable sterile vacuum tubes for collecting and storing blood, sterile double-sided medical needles and single-use needle holders under the AVATUBE trademark; polyurethane orthopedic bandages and tires "Marai" used in traumatology and orthopedics for the formation of immobilizing dressings and orthopedic correction of various segments of the musculoskeletal system.
Thus, the dual training system helps future personnel improve their practical skills while maintaining a high level of theoretical training.

03.05.2024, 12:38