Development of transnational cooperation in the field of pharmaceutical sciences

The Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry organized with great honor the visit of the Candidate of Chemical Sciences Tatyana Alexandrovna Rodina, a leading researcher at the Testing Laboratory of the Center for Pharmaceutical Analytics LLC (Moscow, Russia). She is also a recognized expert in the field of high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. The visit, marked by a highly qualified exchange of experience, was held for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of our Academy.

The visit took place within the framework of the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at attracting foreign specialists to teaching. During the visit, T.A. Rodina held unique lectures full of information and practical examples. In addition, she organized productive trainings and master classes for faculty and research staff. In her program, Tatyana Alexandrovna covered a wide range of topics, from the theoretical foundations of high-performance liquid chromatography to its practical application using UV and mass spectrometric detection, and also delved into bioanalytical research and preparative chromatography.

The workshops were characterized by a richness of technical details. She reviewed in detail the process of preparing equipment, working with various detectors, as well as qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis, which gave the participants the opportunity to learn the key points of analytical methods. The events were held in an atmosphere of professionalism and openness, conducive to fruitful interaction.

In addition, Tatyana Alexandrovna became an honorary guest of the plenary session of the II International Forum of Young Scientists and Students dedicated to the 45th anniversary of JSC SKMA. She also took part in the XI International scientific conference of young scientists and students "Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy", held from October 16 to 18, 2024. Her report in the section "Priority areas of pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological research of medicines" was devoted to the development of methods for determining related impurities in pharmaceutical substances using HPLC with UV spectrophotometric detection. This presentation was the key moment of the conference, emphasizing the importance of relevant scientific research in pharmaceuticals.

The professional program of the visit was complemented by cultural events and meetings with the leadership of the Academy, which allowed the guest to get acquainted with the rich culture and unique traditions of Kazakhstan. Rector of the Academy, Seitzhanova Zh.S. expressed sincere gratitude to Tatyana Alexandrovna for fruitful cooperation, noting the high importance of prospects for further cooperation, which may include joint management of scientific projects and consultations for undergraduates and PhD students.

The Department and the management of the Academy expressed their deep appreciation for the fruitful cooperation and expressed hope for continued joint work in the field of pharmaceutical education and science.

12.11.2024, 17:38