Defense of master's theses in the specialty "Public Health"

June 22, 2019 at the Department of Social Health Insurance and Public Health of SKMA the defense of master's theses in the specialty "Public Health". 10 masters of the scientific and pedagogical direction and

10 master of profile direction defended themselves perfectly. Applicants awarded the academic degree of "Master of Medical Sciences" The undergraduates were evaluated by representatives of the state certification commission:

Chairman of the Commission: k.m.s. Akhmetov A.R.

Commission members:

d.m.s., professor Anartaeva M.U.

k.m.s. Sarsenbayeva G.Zh.

k.m.s. Sadibekova ZH.U.

k.m.s. Tokkuliyev B.B.

k.m.s. Sultanbekov K.A.

Secretary: PhD Abdrakhmanova Z.B.

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02.07.2019, 05:49