Dear students!

The leadership of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy informs you about the education format in the new 2020-2021 academic year:

1) for bachelor programs - from September 1, 2020 using distance learning technologies;

2) for 1st year foreign students (until January 1, 2021) - using distance learning technologies;

3) internship - from September 1 of the current year: 70% - practical training, 30% theoretical training - using distance learning technologies;

4) residency - from September 1 of the current year: 90% - practical training, 10% - theoretical training using distance learning technologies;

5) master's degree - using distance learning technologies, research work within the framework of the scientific component to be carried out in scientific organizations and (or) organizations of relevant industries or fields of activity for 1-year from September 14, 2020, for 2-year - from September 1 ;

6) doctoracy - using distance learning technologies, research work within the framework of the scientific component to be carried out in scientific organizations and (or) organizations of the relevant industries or fields of activity - from September 1.

23.08.2020, 23:06