Creative competition within the framework of the theme " Abay's Heritage - The Sacred Treasure of the Kazakh people"



Not for amusement do I write my verse,

Nor do I stuff it full of silly words.

It’s for the young I write, for those

Whose hearing is acute, whose senses are alert.

In order to promote the work of the poet, educator, founder of the Kazakh literary language, philosopher Abay Kunanbayev, the Medical College, the Department of General education disciplines and the reading room No. 2 of the library and Information Center held a creative competition in an online/offline format among students of the College on 13.04.2021 within the framework of the theme "Abay's legacy is a sacred treasure of the Kazakh people ".

Students participating in the competition on the topic: preparing a presentation on the life and work of the great poet. Writing an essay on the work of Abay Kunanbayev. Reading Abay's works by heart (a poetic work or word of edification based on the themes of Education, Science and art).

Deputy director of the Medical College for educational work M. A. Taizhanova, head of the Department of general education disciplines A. T. Satayev wished the participants good luck.

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At the same time, the librarian of the library and Information Center Kuanyshbekova E. A. presented the book exhibition " Abay's legacy is the National Heritage ". Students were encouraged to read the books of our grandfather Abay.

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According to the results of the competition, the jury determined the winners of the I, II, and III places in accordance with the requirements of the competition, senior mentor for educational work of the Department of general education disciplines Kaspanova F. A. and senior teacher Abdullabekova A. T.

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By the decision of the jury.

Expressive reading contest:

I place-Zhumabekov Zhanibek (24 words of edification)

II place - Rakhmanberdieva Izoza (poem dedicated to Abay Kunanbayev)

III place-Kulan Sara (A bride of the wrist)

According to the presentation:

I place - Hen Anita - student of the group

II place - Ilyasova Dana

III place-Yunusalieva Nargiza

Essay writing contest:

I place - Akylbek Galiya (Abay Kunanbayev)

II place - Rakhimzhanova Mukhlisa

III place-Pymenidi Alexandra

Aikynbaeva Aruzhan (educational significance of Abay's works)

All participants of the contest were awarded with letters of thanks.

19.04.2021, 11:47