Cooperation on the development of professional standards

South Kazakhstan Medical Academy actively cooperates with the Republican Public Association "Kazakhstan Alliance of Medical Organizations" (KazAMO).

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Currently, under the guidance of KazAMO agreed with the professional community, developed  professional standards (PS) on the pharmacy, dentistry and medical psychology.

In order to further efficient harmonization of professional standards with the sectoral framework of qualifications and educational programs, the Senior Lecturer of the Department of  Organization and  Management of   pharmaceutical business of  SKMA, doctor PhD Umurzakhova Galiya Zhanburbaevna is included in the expert group on PS development.

A member of the working group for the development of the professional standard "Pharmaceutical activities", Umurzakhova Galiya Zhanburbaevna, was noted by KazAMO for conscientious work, reverent attitude and efficiency!

03.07.2018, 04:09