Congratulations to athletes of SKSPhA!

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Оn April 6, 2016 at the Academy gym there were held weight lifting competitions among the students of SKSPhA dedicated to International Sport Day. The event was focused on Olympic movement as a promotional tool of tolerance and mutual understanding in the world.   

38 athletes took part in these competitions, they were lifting a kettle bell weighting 32 kg.

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The results:

I prize – Yerlan Boranbayev  (the group 303 “Pharmacy”)  - 43 times

II prize – Gani Zhaksybay  (the group 402 “Nursing”)  - 42 times

III prize – Maksat Zhalgasbek (the group 401 “Medical and preventive care”)  -  41 times


The Department of Morphological and Physiological disciplines, Physical training with Valeology 

09.04.2016, 21:17