Congratulations on double holiday!

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On 5th May, 2017 at the Academy Hall of South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy there was held a special event dedicated to the 7th May – Defender’s Day and the 9th May - Victory Day. This event was organized by youth policy department. This year, the country celebrates the 25th anniversary of Armed Forces of RK and the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The employees of the Academy, veterans of Chernobyl and Tadjik-Afghan War came together to celebrate these two special events. Alma Abdukarimovna Akhmetova, vice-rector for international cooperation and strategic development of SKSPhA addressed the audience with an opening speech and awarded the participants with grateful letters and memorable gifts.

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It was shown a stage play of the hard times during the Great Patriotic War, heroic deeds of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, daughters-heroines of the Motherland. They sung songs of Armed Forces of RK about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, it was presented a  video film.

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10.05.2017, 23:58