Collaborative activities carried out with Colin Whitehead


On the initiative of the foreign languages department’s head A.S.Saifutdinova a senior teacher of the Newcastle university (Great Britain) Colin Whitehead was invited to our academy with the aim of conducting of methodological seminar, meeting with the staff and students, discussing innovative methods, teaching foreign languages in the high institutions, exchange of experience with the teachers, counseling of using different communicative skills - speaking, reading, pronunciation etc.

Events, conducted at the Foreign Languages Department with Colin Whitehead in the period of  7.04.2015 – till 8.04.2015:

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Brief description



A Round table/ get acquaintance with the members of the department.

Meetings / discussions with the colleagues and students.

7th April


Conducting the lesson on developing of communicative skills: - speaking, reading, pronunciation etc.

With a great interest students take part in discussing of the teaching process in the Great BritainUniversity and traditions of the Englishmen.


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7th April


Teachers’ seminar «How to teach students to speak English»

Colin Whitehead gives some practical advices by preventing and negotiation of a language barrier, using gained language knowledge and skills.


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8th April


Seminar/lesson with the teachers on exchange of experience.

Exchange of experience in teaching English for foreign students. Effective approach in students’ encouragement and motivation.


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13.04.2015, 00:47