Болезни суставов


On 31 January, 2018 at  the Department of  OMPhB in accordance with of  its work plan a round table "Students’ Start Up projects" among 5th-year students  has been carried out with the participation of supervised groups, employers, representatives of the SKSPhA division and faculty.

At the expanded event there were:

1) K.D. Shertayeva - head of the department OMPhB, Doctor of Pharmacy, professor

2) M.M. Sapakbay - deputy Dean of pharmaceutical faculty of SKSPhA,PhD in Pharmaceutical Science, acting associate Professor, "Association of graduates of SKSPhA» PO

3) G.D.Orazymbetova - head of the youth policy department of  SKSPhA

4) S.A.Alzhanova- methodist of the Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Organizations

The following students presented their ideas in the form of presentation:

1) Nurdaulet Zhumabayev 502 PhK B  - «Медициналық арнайы киім өндірісін ұйымдастыру»

2) Diana Amantayeva 506 PhR B, Dinara Nuskabay 506 PhR B  - «Производство нанопластырей для заживления ран «Хитодерм»

3) Erbol Zhanarysuli 507 PhK  - «Организация медицинского тренинг - центра»

After each presentation, ideas and projects were vigorously discussed. Students and teachers asked questions and put forward proposals.


As a result, students received information about the methods of drawing up, the structure of Start Up business projects, the application of the presentation in the development of the project. The level of students' preparation was assessed by the guests of the round table. Presenters gave students advice on improving and promoting their projects.


Summing up, the representative of the Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical activities of SKR "Damu" S.A. Alzhanova noted the uniqueness of each of the projects, and also appreciated the initiative and activity of students in the social activities of the SKSPhA.


03.02.2018, 02:29