Best employees awarded!

On June 30, 2021, the rector of SKMA M. Rysbekov awarded the best employees of the Academy on the basis of the order of the Minister of Health A. Tsoi dated June 28, 2021 and No. 380 dated June 29, 2021 on the occasion of the Day of the Medical Worker the employees were awarded for outstanding conscientious work and personal contributions to health care.

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Ermek Bekmuratov, professor of the Department of Therapy - No. 2, was awarded the "Veteran of Labor" medal.

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The Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded to: Director of the Medical College Kushkarova Altynshash Mukhamedkalievna, acting professor of chemistry Alikhanova Haliya Bakadyrovna, assistant of the department of emergency medical care and nursing Kalmenov Nurlan Dzhumanovich.

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Letters of gratitude from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan were presented to: Assistant of the therapy department Serikbayeva Mirа Turdalievna, senior specialist of the personnel department Spataeva Orynsha Nurdildaevna, head of the student registration department Zhipsibaeva Urzhan Konakbayevna.

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Congratulations to all from the bottom of our hearts!

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30.06.2021, 08:18