Astana PHC Declaration – Breakthroughs in medicine of the future

A historic event in the world of medicine took place in the capital of Kazakhstan. From 25 to 26 October in Astana, the Global Conference on Primary Health Care (PHC) gathered delegates from 146 WHO Member States, attended by more than 2,000 delegates.

In his video address to the conference participants, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N. Nazarbayev, said: “Providing support for healthy populations is the basis of sustainable development and welfare growth of the nation. I urge all leaders of countries to define this approach as the main priority of state policy.  

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It was no coincidence that the event in Astana was called the Global Conference. Under the auspices of the UN, not only the world medical community, but also the statesmen invested with power gathered together.

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For 2 days, representatives of the medical community summed up the 40th anniversary of the Almaty Declaration on PHC and presented a new draft of the Astana Declaration to the world community.

The conference was organized by the High Level Government Plenary Session, 6 plenary sessions, 4 ministerial parallel sessions, 19 parallel sessions, where the directions of the Astana Declaration were considered, the problems of implementing primary health care services and expected results were discussed.

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From the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy the Rector, professor Rysbekov M.M., head of the department of General Practitioner - 2, MD, act. professor Dosybaeva G.N. and head of the department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Ph.D., professor Ordabayeva S.К. attended at the Global Conference.

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The participants of the sessions discussed the problems of introducing the latest advances in the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases of the circulatory system, respiration, and oncological pathology. Successful implementation of primary health care depends on the introduction of digital technologies (medical information systems, mobile applications, etc.), on ensuring the availability and quality of medical care, including effective, safe and high-quality medicines.

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An important role in the successful development of primary health care as the basis of the health system is played by human resources, the training of qualified personnel for the healthcare industry, the creation of decent working conditions and remuneration for them, investments and financing of primary health care are needed, etc. Numerous meetings took place pharmaceutical industry with representatives of educational organizations, authorities, financial organizations.

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05.11.2018, 05:19