After completing the task of drawing the social medicine in the region, the precursors of the central headquarters

Representatives of the headquarters for operational cooperation to ensure the willingness of the regions to introduce mandatory social health insurance visited the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.

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Members of the headquarters and the staff of the academy discussed issues related to compulsory health insurance, effective from January 1, 2020. Rector of the Academy, M.M. Rysbekov acquainted the guests with the project of a multidisciplinary university clinic under construction for 1000 beds.

The Commission, composed of the Director of the Investment Policy Department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.K. Kinayatov, the head of the HDCQSGS of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Shymkent city A.K. Tulebaev, acting Director of the FSMS branch Shymkent city L. B. Alimova, head of the department for informing citizens and reviewing the branch of the FSMS of Shymkent city A. Beden, director of the branch of the RCCH for Shymkent city E.E. Akhmetov, rector of JSC South Kazakhstan Medical Academy M.M.Rysbekov, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Clinical Activities of JSC“ SKMA ” B.K. Nurmashev, Head of the Department of Social Medical Insurance and Public Health of JSC“ SKMA ”G.Zh. Sarsenbaeva, held meetings from January 5 to 9 not only with students of Shymkent universities Turkestan region, but also with working youth, the public, public sector employees and medical personnel of public and private clinics, representatives of all forms of ownership with the goal of implementing compulsory social health insurance in the context of the Head of State Message “Constructive public dialogue - the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan” from September 2, 2019.

13.01.2020, 05:20