On June 5, 2017 in South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy there was held a Republican conference “National drug policy”, devoted to Day of medical workers. 

The conference gathered representatives of the pharmaceutical organizations, enterprises and state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

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Such persons as Deputy Chairman of Committee of Pharmacy of the MOH Larissa Pak, head of the Department of health in SKR Mukan Yegizbayev, head of DPh CPh in SKR of MOH of RK Lyazzat Kashkymbayeva, Chairman of the Board SK “Pharmacy” Maxim Kasatkin, expert of centre for pharmacovigilance of National center of expertise of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment Madina Maksut, Director of the Center for KNF Akmaral Arzuova performed in the plenary session. 

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Also there were presented reports of the President of the Association “Eurasian medical association” Yermek Yasylov, Vice-rector of SKSPhA, Professor Bauyrzhan Makhatov, Director of “Ekofarm international” and LLP “Marai E7 Group” Guliya Zhuzenova, Director on quality of JSC “Khimfarm” Larissa Bochkunova, Director of LLP “Abdi Ibrahim global farm” Ziyatkhan Gasanov, President of the “Association of support and development of pharmaceutical activity in Kazakhstan” Marina Durmanova, Vice-rector of SKSPhA, Professor Bekaidar Nurmashev.

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The conference raised relevant issues of prospective development of the pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan and the main directions of transformation and single distribution system. 

There was made a focus on the importance of the pharmaceutical staff’s training in the light of modern requirements and the implementation of the GMP, GPP principles.

04.06.2017, 19:02