A graduate of SKSPhA, bon voyage!

From 3 to 10, July 2017 in South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy a solemn meeting was held on the occasion of awarding diplomas to graduates of 2017. The solemn event was hosted and organized by the Department of youth policy in SKSPhA together with activists, talented youth and members of student government. They are happy to have served in honor of the joyful moments of their undergraduates.

A solemn meeting was held in the touching atmosphere that will not leave anyone indifferent. Vice-rector for training-methodical work of SKSPhA M.U. Anartayeva, announcing a solemn meeting opened, expressed her warm wishes and gratitude to the parents of activists who made a great contribution in raising the image of SKSPhA in education, science, community service, charity events at the regional and national levels and presented letters of thanks to parents on behalf of SKSPhA. In such a joyful atmosphere Tolebi Anashov song about student life and a presentation with photos depicting happy for all 5 years moments of students’ life was demonstrated.

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Parents expressed their gratitude to the teachers, the leadership of academy, Dean's offices and to all employees of SKSPhA and wished for development, expansion and corporate growth. Yerbol Arys performed the song “Ayauly ana” in honor of the parents. 

The most important point of the meeting was the adoption of the Hippocratic oath. Graduates took the oath standing and putting a hand on the heart. 

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A solemn meeting was held for graduates of master's programs, internship, specialties of pharmaceutical and medical faculties and graduates of the faculty of technical and vocational education. 

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To congratulate the graduates of SKSPhA and wish them a bright future honor guests on behalf of employers arrived. They were the Director of  “Turan” Sergei Nikolayevich Viktorenko Director of the Association of pharmaceutical and medical organizations of Kazakhstan “Damu” Khadisha Derbisovna Alzhanova. 

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Young specialist! We wish you a happy journey, the high achievements of honest labor and experience the fruits of your labor! We believe that you will become a patriot of your country!

14.07.2017, 05:19