A book is a source of knowledge, and knowledge is the light of life
Like the heart of our spiritual life, the library plays an important role in promoting science among a wide reading audience and the younger generation, who will lead the country in the future, passing our cultural spiritual treasure from generation to generation. Those who introduce readers to this wealth and connect them with it are librarians. Library workers, through their daily diligent work, provide unlimited access to information, world cultural and scientific values, the wisdom and knowledge of all humanity, guiding readers into a wonderful world of culture, fostering a love for knowledge, and contributing to scientific development. Therefore, librarians will continue to be worthy custodians of this sacred place.
We sincerely congratulate all library workers on their professional holiday! We wish you creativity and success in your work for the benefit of spirituality and professional mastery!
To promote the library, please watch the specially shot video by the group of interns-doctors 11-23 in collaboration with the assistant of the "GP-2" department, Otumbaeva Enlik.