30 years since the end of the war!

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In honor of the "February 15 - the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan" the Department of social affairs and youth policy, the military department, the departments of pathological anatomy and histology, hygiene and epidemiology held a large-scale event. 

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At this meeting there were invited veterans of Afghan war and  holders of medal «Red Star» K. Abdrassilov, E. Kalyshev, A. Borikulov. Major B. Abdrakhmanov made a report and was shown a video about the Afghan war. 

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During the conversation with the veterans were given answers to questions and our youth received a lot of patriotic information.  On behalf of the staff of the Academy congratulated veterans with the holiday and presented gifts. The meeting ended with a festive concert.

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18.02.2019, 11:27