16th December - Independence day of Kazakhstan

On 13th of December, 2018 in the Assembly hall of the Academy held a solemn event dedicated to the Independence day of Kazakhstan, organized by the Department of social affairs and youth policy. The rector of the academy, professor M.M.Rysbekov, who noted important milestones in the history of Kazakhstan, congratulated the staff and presented diplomas of the SKMA, the Ministry of health of Kazakhstan,Turkestan region and the medal of the Ministry of health of Kazakhstan.

Zh.O.Nurzhanbayeva, head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social-humanitarian disciplines, speaking at the event, focused on significant dates in the history of statehood, noted the political will of the Head of State during the adoption of large-scale decisions and state development programs in education, science, culture, sports, and in all spheres of society.

The staff of the department of social affairs and youth policy prepared a video on the history of the country during the years of Independence. 

The festive event ended with a concert program that created a festive mood of the audience.

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15.12.2018, 00:16